Rabu, 26 November 2008


ckRng dY bLk lg
n q smQn bingUng bwT M3miliH
pha lbh b43x gx du42'y?!!

Rabu, 19 November 2008


Mickey Mouse is arguably the most famous of the Disney cartoon characters. Making his debut in "Steamboat Willie" at the Colony Theatre in New York City on November 18, 1928, Mickey went on to star in over 120 different cartoons. He also starred in "The Mickey Mouse Club" television show of the 1950s.Mickey Mouse's original drawings used circles for his head, body and ears. 1939's "The Pointer" saw a bold, new design for Mickey as his body became more pear-shaped and pupils were added to his MICKY-MOUSE

Rabu, 12 November 2008

bt bgdh

puzIng s'rbU k3li2n9
gx tw knph4 q pngN pts ma dy????npha ywzZ///1111111111111111111111111

msy4 l4Lu

dlu q sk4 bgdh m4 c'oRNG CWo
d mt4 q dy tcH perfect tpI kt4 oRL1N dy tuch bys z
lgyN 9X 9NtN92 b9T
SMPY 4Khr'y wkT PRPshn school puN tba(sad b9Dh.............)
bnyK b9t kngan brsm dy,dlU,,,, susaH PSn bwT bs4 ngLpin dy nthU
Tv ckrngmH ALH4MDU4JJ1 prlhn2 bsa

ckrng q bru sDr low sbnR'Y S9l s'swt tch ruZ D Cb4 dlu JNGN NYRh g2 z!!!!